A thank you to everyone for your patience and help during this weekend’s water conservation restrictions. As a reminder, the restrictions were lifted as of Midnight on Sunday 9/3. Here’s a quick digest of many of the things happening this week in Hopewell Borough:
September Planning Board Meeting Canceled
The September Planning Board meeting, which would normally be held on the first Wednesday of the month (9/6/23) has been canceled due to lack of agenda items. The next meeting is scheduled for October 4, 2023.
Borough Council Meeting – Monday September 11
The September Borough Council meeting will be on a special date this month, Monday September 11. The meeting will be in person with a zoom broadcast. The agenda will be posted to the website later this week and information on how to tune in via zoom can be found here.
Third Quarter Tax Payments Due, Grace Period Ending Soon
The 3rd quarter tax bills have been mailed and the extended payment grace period will be ending on September 14. Payments can be made in person, via the drop box behind Borough Hall, or even online.
First Day of School is Thursday September 7
Reminder that school starts this week in Hopewell Valley! Please be extra cautious as we welcome back our walking, biking and bused students (and teachers!) to and from the Borough.