Board of Health and Health Department


Health Services are provided to Borough residents and businesses through a shared services agreement with the Hopewell Township Health Department. Contact and other information about the Health Department can be found below. 

Health Department Contact Info 

Gary Dorsi, Health Officer

Phone: 609-737-0120,
Office hours: M-F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Health Department Offices are located at the Hopewell Township municipal building in Titusville. The office serves Hopewell Borough, Hopewell Township and Pennington. 

Health Department Events and Resources 

Information on Hopewell Valley Health Clinics and Events can be found here

Social and wellbeing, as well as links to other community resources can be found here.

Health Updates The Health Department is maintaining information on Babesiosis, Measles and Avian Influenza

Board of Health

Oversight for the Borough’s health efforts is conducted by a volunteer board appointed by the governing body: 

Kathy Ryan  – Board Chair (term expires 12/31/24)
Henry Raymond – Vice Chair (term expires 12/31/25)
Julie Drawbridge (term expires 12/31/26)
Mustapha Mustapha (term expires 12/31/26)
Jeanie Waldman (term expires 12/31/25)
Samara McAuliffe – Council Liason (term expires 12/31/24)

Meeting information

Looking to join the next Board of Health meeting? The Board meets in person approximately four times a year at Borough Hall – upcoming meeting dates can be found below:  

Upcoming Board of Health Meetings
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