Borough Advisory Shade Tree Committee

Established by Hopewell Borough ordinance, the Advisory Shade Tree Committee consists of three or four members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Borough Council. Working collaboratively with Borough employees, the mission of the committee is to insure the health, safety and sustainability of Hopewell’s trees for the environmental, economic and aesthetic benefit provided to residents and visitors. An additional objective is to help educate citizens about proper tree care. Meetings are held bi-monthly and are open to the public. 

Committee Members

Jennifer Saltman, Chairperson

Zora Andrich
Jane McKinley
Beth Miko

Alan Fiel, Borough Staff Liaison
Mark Shipe, Borough Staff Liaison
Sheri Hook, Council Liaison

Hopewell Borough has met the standard requirements to be designated a Tree City, USA, a nationwide program that provides the framework necessary for communities to manage and expand support for their public trees. To read more, visit

Municipal Tree Issue? 

Below is the form and instructions for making a request concerning a municipal tree. 

Additional Resources

How do I plant a tree?

The site below offers accurate and complete information.

Which trees are best to plant in our area?

The following is a list of some native trees that do well in our central NJ. region.

               Ornamental Trees
American Smoke Tree – Cotinus obovatus
Carolina Silverbell – Halesia carolina
Crabapple – Malus
Eastern Redbud – Cercis canadensis
Flowering Dogwood – Cornus florida
Fringe Tree – Chionanthus virginicus
Hawthorne – Crataegus
Hophornbeam – Ostrya virginiana
Serviceberry – Amelanchier arborea
Sweetbay Magnolia – Ostrya virginiana
              Medium to Large Deciduous Trees
American Beech – Fagus grandifolia
American Linden – Tilia americana
Bald Cypress – Taxodium distichum
Honey Locust – Gleditsia triacanthos
Black Gum – Nyssa sylvatica
Princeton Elm – Ulmus americana ‘Princeton’
Red Maple – Acer rubrum
River Birch – Betula nigra
Sourwood – Oxydendrum arboreum
White Oak – Quercus alba

               Evergreen Trees
American Holly – Ilex opaca
Colorado Blue Spruce – Picea pungens ‘Glauca’
False Cypress Chameacyparis
Juniper – juniperus communis
Pitch Pine – Pinus rigida

Master Gardener Helpline: 609-989-6853 Call M-F between 9 and 2 for general gardening advice and information. The Master Gardener webpage contains a wealth of information including a list of community events relevant to gardening in Mercer County, links to Rutgers University fact sheets and information about local demonstration gardens.

The Arbor Day Organization offers information about tree Identification and appropriate tree choices for planting.

The New Jersey Forestry Service disseminates information about tree care, pests and diseases.

Information about Emerald Ash Borer can be found at:

For information on the invasive Spotted Lantern Fly please visit:


Call Before You Dig. Dial 811.   

Public Utility Lines are Buried Underground. New Jersey’s One-Call Law Is For Your Safety. Do you garden and plan on planting new bushes or trees?  Do you need to dig a simple hole for a new mailbox post or flagpole? Well, whether you are a “do-it-yourselfer” or an “I’d rather hire a contractor” and have plans to excavate on your property, whether residential, commercial or industrial, your safety and that of others nearby requires that you CALL BEFORE YOU DIG.

As a matter of fact, it’s the law. Dial 811 or 1(800)272-1000 before you dig. The “NJ One Call” system was designed to help prevent accidents that could endanger the public and interrupt vital utility services.