Economic Development Committee (EDC)

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The Hopewell Borough Economic Development Committee (EDC) generally meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 8:45 am and acts as an advisory body to the Borough Council on promote and assist businesses in the Borough. The board is made of volunteer residents and business representatives of the Borough and the surrounding area, and develops initiatives to promote Downtown Hopewell, such as Cruise Night. If you are part of a classic car club and looking to receive information about Cruise Night… click here to sign up!

Sunshine information

Looking to join the next EDC meeting?  They are generally held on the third Tuesday of each month at 8:45 am at Borough Hall, 88 East Broad Street.

Upcoming EDC Meetings
  • No events
  • Recent and Upcoming EDC Agenda

    Committee Members

    The volunteer members of the EDC are listed below:

    Heidi Wilenius, Council Liason
    Breona Pirrone, Chair
    Carole Kehoe, Vice Chair
    Laurie Cleveland, Committee Secretary
    Kefi Godfrey
    Brian Samuels
    Ethan Unick