It will be a busy week coming up in Hopewell Borough with meetings almost every evening. Below is an overview of what’s happening:
Council Subcommittee Outdoor Dining Program Appeal Special Meeting – Monday January 29th
Following the process in Hopewell Borough’s outdoor dining program, a three member subcommittee of Borough Council will be hearing an appeal related to the permit issued to Aunt Chubby’s Luncheonette. The meeting will be at 6PM at Borough Hall. Additional information on the meeting can be found here.
Pedestrian, Bicycle and Safety Advisory Committee (PBSAC) – Monday January 29th
The Borough’s Pedestrian, Bicycle and Safety Advisory Committee (PBSAC) has its January monthly meeting this Monday at 7PM in the upstairs conference room at Borough Hall. A copy of the agenda can be found below:
Trash and Recycling Pickup – Tuesday January 30th
Tuesday is the regular trash and recycling pickup this week. Please remember that trash containers should be covered and watertight to prevent mixing of rain/stormwater and placed at the curb between 3PM on Monday and 7AM Tuesday for pickup.
Mayor’s Office Hours – Wednesday January 31st
Looking to connect about anything Hopewell Borough related? Mayor Kennedy holds drop-in office hours every other Wednesday from 1 to 2PM at Borough Hall (and every 2nd Saturday at 9AM) for residents, businesses and anyone else interested in sharing their thoughts or asking questions about our town. No appointments necessary, just stop in.
Board of Health Meeting – Wednesday January 31
The Hopewell Borough Board of Health will meet on Wednesday January 31 at 6PM in person at Borough Hall.
Borough Council Meeting – Thursday February 1st
The February Borough Council meeting will be Thursday February 1 at 7PM. The meeting will be in person at Borough Hall with a zoom broadcast. Information on how to tune in via zoom can be found here. The agenda for the meeting can be found below. Starting with this month’s meeting, the Borough’s goal will be to post the agenda the Friday prior to the Thursday meeting to allow for additional availability and review time for members of the public. Special thanks to our Borough Administrator, Municipal Clerk and the entire staff for their hard work in assembling the materials this far advance of the meeting!