The first week of the month is always a busy one in Hopewell Borough. Below is an overview of what’s happening:
Borough Council Meeting – Monday July 1
The regular agenda and public portion of the July Borough Council meeting will be Monday July 1 at 7PM (the meeting was scheduled for this date rather than the normal Thursday because of the July 4th holiday). Please note that there will be a closed / executive session of Borough Council starting at 6PM, with the regular portion of the agenda starting at the regular 7PM time. The meeting will be in person at Borough Hall with a zoom broadcast. Information on how to tune in via zoom can be found here. As always, we look forward to getting input from you at the meeting, in person or via zoom. The agenda can be found below and ordinances to be discussed can be found here. You can find information on the redevelopment ordinance to be discussed here.
Trash Pickup – Tuesday July 2
Tuesday is the regular trash pickup in the Borough. Please remember that trash containers should be covered and watertight to prevent mixing of rain/stormwater and placed at the curb between 3PM on Monday and 7AM Tuesday for pickup.
No Mayor’s Office Hours this week – Wednesday July 3
Due to the July 4th holiday and vacation schedules, there will not be Mayor’s office hours this week. The next scheduled drop-in hours are Saturday July 13 at 9AM and Wednesday July 17 at 1PM.
Planning Board Meeting – Wednesday July 3
The Hopewell Borough Planning Board will meet on Wednesday July 3 at 7PM in person at Borough Hall, with an option to view the meeting via zoom (instructions can be found here). More information and copies of the documents for pending applications can be found on the Planning Board page here and a copy of the meeting agenda can be found below:
Borough Hall Closed Thursday July 4
Happy 4th of July!
Borough Council Meetings on Youtube!
Reminder that you can also now find archived Borough Council meetings on the Borough’s YouTube channel.