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Date(s) - 02/05/2021
All Day
Please visit the Borough’s February 2021 snow storm news alert for information on revised trash and recycling schedules.
February 5, 2021| Trash and Recycling| Ryan Kennedy
Date(s) - 02/05/2021
All Day
Please visit the Borough’s February 2021 snow storm news alert for information on revised trash and recycling schedules.
Borough of Hopewell
88 East Broad Street
Hopewell, NJ 08525
(609) 466-2636
(609) 466-8511 (fax)
Administration Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Ryan Kennedy
Council President
Borough Council
David Mackie
Debra Stuhler
Krista Weaver
Sheri Hook
Heidi Wilenius
Anthony Fuller
(click on any of the names above to connect via email)