Sunday Weekly Email, Website News Alerts|

Planning Board Meeting – Wednesday March 6

The Borough Planning Board will meet during its regular monthly meeting time in person at Borough Hall, Wednesday March 6, 2024 at 7PM. A copy of the meeting agenda can be found below. Members of the public may also view the meeting live via zoom, using the same link and system as Borough Council meetings. Information on how to log into the meeting remotely for view (comments and questions at this time must be done in person at the meeting) can be found here.

Borough Council Meeting – Thursday March 7

The March Borough Council meeting will be Thursday March 7 at 7PM. The meeting will be in person at Borough Hall with a zoom broadcast. Information on how to tune in via zoom can be found here. The agenda for the meeting can be found below. Special thanks to our Borough Administrator, Municipal Clerk and the entire staff for their continued hard work in assembling the materials in advance of the meeting.

Please note that Council will be conducting a closed/executive session at 6PM which will not be open to the public. The regular public portion of the meeting will begin at the regular 7PM time.

Mayor’s Drop-in Office Hours – Saturday March 9

Looking for another way to connect with our town? Generally held every other Wednesday afternoon at 1PM and every second Saturday morning of the month at 9AM, Borough Hall is open for drop in discussions with Mayor Ryan Kennedy. No appointments necessary. This week marks the first edition of Saturday hours… we’ll bring the coffee, you bring the questions!

Any changes to the schedule will be posted to the Borough website and for a list of upcoming dates and times, click here.

Reminder – Borough Master Plan Review

The Borough Planning Board anticipates having a hearing on the draft masterplan review report at a meeting in the near future. A copy of the draft report is available on the Planning Board web page and is linked below. Comments, questions and suggested additions will be accepted during the hearing once scheduled. Due to the continuation of an application started at the February meeting, the agenda for the March meeting does not include the hearing on the Master Plan – which is likely to be heard at the April meeting.

Hopewell Borough Water System Continues to Meet the Standard for Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) 

The NJ DEP continues to require that the Borough provide periodic updates about PFOS. All quarterly PFOS monitoring results since July of 2022 have been under the PFOS Maximum Contaminant Standard (MCL). Our water system currently meets all State and Federal drinking water standards. A copy of the most recent community update can be found below and more information on PFOS can be found here.

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