The week of August 1st, 2022 brings several Borough public meetings as well as some schedule changes. Information on the schedule can be found below and on the Borough Calendar page.
Tuesday August 2nd – PBSAC meeting in person at Borough Hall
The Pedestrian, Bicycle and Safety Advisory Committee (PBSAC) will be meeting in person on Tuesday August 2, 2022 at 7:00 in Borough Hall.
Wednesday August 3rd – Planning Board meeting the August meeting has been CANCELLED
Thursday August 4th – Borough Council meeting in person at Borough Hall (with continued testing of zoom coverage)
The August Borough Council meeting will be held Thursday August 4, 2022 in person at Borough hall at 7:00PM. The Borough will continue to test its rollout of a zoom online broadcast of the meeting, information on how to connect can be found here. Agenda and other information for the meeting will be posted to the website prior to the meeting when finalized.