The first week of the month is usually a busy one in Hopewell Borough, but in observance of the Rosh Hashanah holiday, Planning and Borough Council meetings have been scheduled for the second week of the Month for October. Below is an overview of what’s happening:
Trash Pickup – Tuesday October 1
Tuesday is the regular trash pickup in the Borough. Please remember that trash containers should be covered and watertight to prevent mixing of rain/stormwater and placed at the curb between 3PM on Monday and 7AM Tuesday for pickup. While no changes are currently planned, please check the website if there are additional changes for trash pickup on East Broad Street due to the paving.
No Planning Board Meeting This Week – Scheduled for Wednesday October 9th
The Hopewell Borough Planning Board will meet Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 7PM, rather than the usual first Wednesday of the month date in October, in observance of the Rosh Hashanah holiday.
No Borough Council Meeting This Week – Scheduled for Monday October 7th
The Hopewell Borough Council will meet Monday October 7, 2024 at 7PM, rather than the usual first Thursday of the month date in October, in observance of the Rosh Hashanah holiday. The agenda package will be posted on the website later this week in advance of the meeting.
Reminder – Elizabethtown Gas Project Continues
Elizabethtown Gas has informed the Borough it will be undertaking a Gas Pipe Replacement Project along Ege Avenue, North Lanning Avenue, South Lanning Avenue, Taylor Terrance, and Windsor Way, which began September 16. More information can be found here.
Borough Council Meetings on Youtube!
Reminder that you can also now find archived Borough Council meetings on the Borough’s YouTube channel.