Here’s a quick overview of what’s happening in Hopewell Borough this week:
Borough Hall Closed – Monday October 14
Reminder that Borough Hall is closed Monday October 14 in observance of Columbus Day.
Trash Pickup – Tuesday October 15
Tuesday is the regular trash pickup in the Borough. Please remember that trash containers should be covered and watertight to prevent mixing of rain/stormwater and placed at the curb between 3PM on Monday and 7AM Tuesday for pickup. While no changes are currently planned, please check the website if there are additional changes for trash pickup on East Broad Street due to the paving.
Economic Development Committee – Tuesday October 15
The Borough Economic Development Committee (EDC) generally meets in person on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at Borough Hall at 8:45am.
Historic Preservation Commission – Tuesday October 15
The Borough Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) meets in person on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at Borough Hall at 7:30am. For information on how and when it is required to apply for historic approval prior to conducting construction or modification of properties in the Borough, please visit the Historic Preservation Commission’s webpage.
Leaf Pickup Information
Leaf pickup on Borough Roads begins on September 14. For more information and instructions, please click here.
Borough Council Meetings on Youtube!
Reminder that you can also now find archived Borough Council meetings on the Borough’s YouTube channel. Subscribe to the channel the the latest updates!