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The Borough will be conducting a Special Meeting of Council on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 7:00 PM in the Court Room located at 88 East Broad Street, Hopewell NJ. A copy of the agenda (with zoom link) can be found below:

There will be two public comment sessions. To ensure all participants have an opportunity to speak, remarks will be limited during the Public Comment sessions as follows:

1st Public Comment Session – 5 Minutes/Speaker

2nd Public Comment Session – 3 Minutes/Speaker

Individuals will be permitted to speak once during each public comment session

The meeting is an opportunity for Council to:

  • Provide a brief overview of the status of the redevelopment process, next steps in that process, and clarify how and at what stage of that process comments and concerns from the public will be able to be addressed by the Borough Council and Planning Board.
  • Provide an opportunity for the Hopewell 57 contract purchaser to publicly present concept plans for the proposed redevelopment and respond to questions from the Council and the public concerning the concept plan.
  • Consider amending the maximum building height limitation specified in the currently approved Redevelopment Plan and redevelopment ordinance (Ordinance No. 887) to allow construction of a 4-story structure, and to discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages with respect to visual impacts, accessibility, stormwater management, green space, on-site parking, etc.
  • Hear comments from residents regarding the possible amendment of the maximum building height limitation.
  • If appropriate, direct Borough professionals to prepare an amended Redevelopment Plan and ordinance and schedule the introduction and public hearing for the revised redevelopment ordinance.

The purpose of this meeting is not to:

  • Revisit the decision by the Council to pursue redevelopment of the site.
  • Revisit or revise the maximum density or bulk and area requirements stipulated in the adopted Redevelopment Plan and ordinance except the maximum building height.
  • Respond to questions concerning site-specific aspects of the proposed redevelopment that have not yet been determined, that will be addressed during Site Plan application review by the Planning Board (e.g., traffic concerns, impact on schools, demands on emergency services, stormwater management, architectural design, building demolition, environmental remediation requirements, etc.)
  • Revise the concept plans presented during the meeting.

The Council looks forward to your participation on the 24th.

(Webinar ID: 890 1747 4776   Passcode: 715921)

1.         Call to Order
2.         Sunshine Statement/Flag Salute
3.         Roll Call
4.         Presentation from Planner Joanna Slagle: Redevelopment Process Moving Forward/Next Steps; Overview of Site Plan Application
5.         Revised Concept Plan by Developer Jeffrey Albert, Princewood Properties
6.         Council Discussion
7.         Meeting open to the public/Motion to Close Meeting to the Public (5 minutes per person)
8.         Council Discussion – Next Steps
9.         Meeting open to the public/Motion to Close Meeting to the Public (3 minutes per person)
10.       Adjournment

Comments are closed.