In the event of emergency or other news or information from Hopewell Borough, those alerts would show on the homepage in the box below. All other news alerts can be found by scrolling further down the homepage, or by clicking here.

January 24, 2023| pop-up| Ryan Kennedy
In the event of emergency or other news or information from Hopewell Borough, those alerts would show on the homepage in the box below. All other news alerts can be found by scrolling further down the homepage, or by clicking here.
Borough of Hopewell
88 East Broad Street
Hopewell, NJ 08525
(609) 466-2636
(609) 466-8511 (fax)
Administration Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Ryan Kennedy
Council President
Borough Council
David Mackie
Debra Stuhler
Krista Weaver
Sheri Hook
Heidi Wilenius
Anthony Fuller
(click on any of the names above to connect via email)