Sunday Weekly Email, Uncategorized|

Did you know that there is a new town ordinance governing the removal of trees in Hopewell?

You can access the entire ordinance (and the rest of Hopewell Borough’s codified ordinances and code) here Here’s a summary of the new regulation:

If the tree trunk measures LESS than 6 inches (in diameter, not circumference) at 4 1/2 feet above the ground you may simply remove your tree and no application to the Borough is needed.  

If you have a “hazard” tree you wish to remove, then you are not required to submit a permit request or pay a fee.  However, you are required to provide evidence of the tree’s condition (such as photographs) to the Borough before removing the tree. A hazardous tree is one that is dead or dying due to disease or insect infestation, or a tree that a licensed arborist deems to be a threat to public safety.

If your tree is healthy and the tree trunk is GREATER than 6 inches at 4 1/2 feet, you must first complete and submit a permit request with a small application fee, found here

If the permit is approved, the tree may be removed at your cost and you are required to plant a replacement tree on your property within a year. You must choose a tree species from a list maintained by the Hopewell Advisory Shade Tree Committee, which is listed at the end of the permit form for easy reference. If it is not feasible to plant another tree on your property, you will be asked to pay a tree replacement fee (which is based on the size of the tree removed) so that our town can plant another tree in another location.

Our town’s trees provide shade as our summer temperatures continue to rise, improve air and water quality, and add immeasurably to the beauty of our community. We hope this ordinance will strengthen and enlarge our tree canopy both now and into the future.

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