The Borough of Hopewell is on social media! Please follow us, and invite your friends to do the same. We are proud to be launching @BoroughofHopewell on both Facebook and Instagram this week, and a YouTube channel with recordings of our public meetings will be following shortly.
All three channels will be used to share official information with the community. By design, our social media will not be a public forum. This decision was made with careful consideration of the nature of social media conversation and the laws governing municipal public forums. Therefore, any comments or messages received via social media will be deleted. Any questions or messages should instead be directed to the Borough by phone, email or in-person requests. As always, our monthly council meetings provide a public forum for questions and concerns.
Have a question or concern about the town? Please check the appropriate page of our website for an email address, or call Borough Hall at 609-466-2636. You can also find direct contact information for specific departments on the Contact Us page. For a schedule of all public meetings, as well as the Mayor’s regularly scheduled office hours, please visit our Events page.