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- Create Date August 23, 2022
- Last Updated August 23, 2022
Milling work on Railroad Place now scheduled to begin on Wednesday, August 24th
Attention Residents and Businesses in the vicinity of Railroad Place between North Greenwood and Hamilton Avenue:
Crossroads Paving has been contracted by the Borough of Hopewell for the Railroad Place Road
Improvements. On Tuesday, 08/23/22 Crossroad Paving will be commencing work on the abovementioned street(s). Working hours will be between 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM (weather permitting) and
will consist of asphalt milling and pavement installation from the intersection of North Greenwood
Avenue to the intersection of Hamilton. During this time, we would appreciate it if you would not
leave any vehicles parked on the street between the hours of 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Although there
may be times when you may not be able to use your driveway, such as when new curb is being
installed across the front of your driveway apron, the street will be passable at all times for
residents and emergency and school vehicles. Please follow all signage when operating your
vehicle, and please use complete caution when walking/driving through our work area. Efforts will
be made to minimize the length and frequency of disturbances, but residents are advised to plan for
temporary disruptions.
Please remove any and all plantings, ornaments and other objects of value within the borough’s
right-of- way (in most cases this means the area between the sidewalk and the curb) that you don’t
not want to be removed and discarded.