Attention Residents and Businesses in the vicinity of: Columbia Avenue between Princeton Avenue and Elm Street
On or about 7/30/21 Earle will be performing work on the above-mentioned street(s) and will last (2) business days. Working hours will be between 7 AM – 5 PM (weather permitting) and will consist of milling and paving from the intersection of Princeton Avenue to the intersection of Elm Street. During this time, we would appreciate it if you would not leave any vehicles parked on the street between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5 PM. The street will be passable at all times for residents and emergency and school vehicles. Please follow all signage when operating your vehicle, and please use complete caution when walking/driving through our work area.
CAUTION: Please have all vehicles moved off the road[s], during the hours of 6am to 6pm. Any damage to personal property must be documented with an Earle supervisor the day of the incident. Tack oil will be sprayed on road prior to paving. You are advised not to ride through the tack oil, as it may damage your vehicle.
Thank you.
For additional information during construction, contact: Antonio Buchel with Earle Asphalt Company at 732-308-1113 x 230