
Continuing to build on the momentum of other recent safety and walkability studies and initiatives, Hopewell Borough has submitted an application to the Safe Routes to School (“SRTS”) grant program, seeking funds for safety and walkability improvements across town. The SRTS program provides federal-aid highway funds to State Departments of Transportation.

Hopewell Borough’s application includes plans to add missing sidewalk connections, install rapid flashing beacons at the school and along Broad Street, connect with area open space like the St. Michael’s Preserve and upgrade multiple crosswalks around the Borough. In total, more than $1,000,000 in pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements is requested in the application. 

If awarded, these improvements will encourage more families to walk and bike to Hopewell Elementary School, and provide better connections and safer streets for all of Hopewell Borough’s residents and visitors. This is the borough’s first time applying for this competitive grant, which does not require any matching funds. The winners will be announced in the spring of 2024. 

“This is a great example of how we can come together to work towards a common goal. I look forward to pursuing more funding opportunities to improve pedestrian and bike safety in the borough,” said Krista Weaver, Hopewell Borough Councilwoman.

“I want to thank our neighboring communities and organizations who offered support for this application, including the Hopewell Valley Regional School District, Hopewell Elementary School, Mercer County, Hopewell Township, the Hopewell Township Police Department, D&R Greenway and the Greater Mercer Transportation Management Association. Thanks also to our interim administrator Nancy Jamanow, our clerk Regina Toth, Borough engineer Mark Kartaryniak, the Hopewell Borough Pedestrian and Bike Safety Advisory Committee, Mayor Anzano and the Hopewell Borough Council, and everyone from the Hopewell Borough community who offered support,” Weaver said.

“_________________ insert Mayor Anzano quote here,” said Mayor Paul Anzano. “If awarded, these improvements will enhance our town for years to come, without being a burden to our taxpayers.”

The grant application follows the Borough’s recent introduction of an ordinance to the lower the speed limit on East and West Broad Street to 25 MPH, and represents continued focus for the town. More information on the community’s involvement with pedestrian and bicycle safety initiatives can be found at the PBSAC website.

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